Karsten Mayland, Deloitte, director
I have worked with Tine for the last six years. Tine is one of the most charismatic executive coaches I have ever known. She is highly intelligent, result- as well as process oriented and she has helped me in my own personal journey as well as in my ability to execute as a leader.

Anders Værge, CEO, KOM-1, USA
Professionally as well as personally I have finally found the direction I want to go. I am moving fast and I am in charge of the choices I am making, allowing myself to be the leader I truly am in the world. How? I have had coaching that goes deep, is action oriented, and creating an impact through all aspects of my life.

Henrik Carøe Gjellebøl, WindowMaster A/S, Business Manager
Tine knows more than most about what leadership really is, and how you work with yourself and your organisation to manage a chaotic world.