Where to go
European Leadership aps
Visiting address:
Rebel Work Space
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 5.th floor
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Mail address:
Thorsgade 92
2200 Copenhagen N
Email: tine@eu-leadership.com
Tel: +45 33 23 66 13
Cell: +45 22 16 14 28
VAT: DK10153468
Contact me by sending me an email or fill out the form on this page.
It is easy to park at Dampfærgevej: Drive down the parkingcellar at ‘Amerika Plads’ - the one closest to the Oslo Ferry. The parking code is 3900.
If you walk up to the street next to the payment machine, you reach our building. Please ring the doorbell at ‘Rebel Work Space’ and we will let you in. Take the lift to the 5th floor.
Alternately, take the S-train to Osterport or Nordhavn Station or metr, or bus 26. The train and metro is 15 minutes away by foot; the bus stops in front of our door.