My background in short
Executive coach, MCC-certified, an expert in leadership and personal development, since 1999.
Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching, Certified Coach, 2016.
M.Sc (Econ.), Copenhagen, 1989
M.A. (Arts Policy & Management), London, 1989/90.
+25 years running my own business.
A pioneer in professional coaching in Denmark, since 1999.
Internationally certified through The International Coach Federation, MCC (see
President 2012 for The International Coach Federation in Denmark.
15 years of experience from the cultural sector in Denmark and abroad (1983/1999).
NLP Master Practitioner in Personal Development and NLP Master Practitioner in Communications.
Certified in and using psychometric assessment tools, like Hogan, DISC, MotivationFactor and more as input to the coaching programmes.
Today, I am the Director and guiding force of European Leadership. My extensive training and experience are matched with a great passion for bringing my clients to a deeper awareness of themselves as people and as leaders.
I have a special ability to get to the heart of an issue during our sessions, and this is fueled in equal measure by a clarity of mind, a keen intelligence and some highly developed intuitive skills.
I aim at asking the right question to elicit a breakthrough in our sessions. I make an effort to be grounded in a profound sense of purpose and a sense of humour.
As of now, I have coached more than 600 business leaders and individuals from a variety of sectors - both Danish, European and international. My specialty is executive coaching of senior executives and my full time practice lies in the heart of Copenhagen.
You can read more about my professional background on LinkedIn.
My own journey
I have spent more than a decade to experience, grow and learn about the human psyche, our inner evolution and what it means to be a human being. I have a daily practice of meditation and energy work - to be able to be present, grounded and inspired to the people I work with:
Enneagram Next Level Practitioner, more than 40 hours of training as well as +20 years of self-discovery into my own essence and personality type (7).
Life Vision Quest, 35 days of self-awareness and discovery with Michael Beckwith, on-line, 2020.
The Silva Method - dynamic meditation and intuition, 2022 in Cph.
Meditation & Traditional Chinese Medicine, a yearly programme in Copenhagen including a trip to India to visit Lama D. Jamyang Khyentse, Rinpoche in November ‘16, 2015-16.
The Mandala of Being, 2 weekends with Dr. Richard Moss (US) in Copenhagen on how to release the stories we keep telling ourselves.
Esoteric Philosophy, two weekly retreats and weekends at Brøndsted Center (DK), 2012 and 2013.
Intensive Seminar on ‘Who Am I?’ 5-days, non-religious retreat, led by French Jean-Michel Maumin and inspired by the life of Ramana Maharshi, 2013.
Silent retreat, 8-days in Wales at St. Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre, 2012.
The Shadow Process, 3-day retreat in Copenhagen with Debbie Ford (US), 2011
Radical Aliveness, 10-day retreat with Dr. Richard Moss (US) in France, 2010, including silence, sweatlodge and faste.
Soul Mission, Life Vision, three weekend retreats with Alan Seale (US) in Sweden, 2005-06
The Wisdom of the Enneagram, weekend course in the UK with Karen Webb (UK), 2005.
Personal Leadership Course, four 5-day modules in California 2003-04
Several shorter courses on meditation, tantra, QiGong, Buddhism, yoga, mindfulness, healing and Evening Talks with Deepak Chopra, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Daniel Goleman, Peter Levine and many more.