On-Boarding : Your first 100 days that ensure success for everyone involved.
You have been appointed to a demanding and ambitious role. You and the company are ready for a head start. Your mind is full of new ideas on what to do. The CEO and the company have great expectations to your arrival.
What is your plan? How do you take charge, build your team and what are the results you are really heading for?
In the past 16 years I have witnessed succesful and not so succesful starts of leaders in new, highly demanding positions.
What characterizes the best ones, is their ability to take charge from the beginning, know their stakeholders and be prepared in an open, listening and authentic manner. Nothing less.
The On-Boarding process begins before you start on the job. It entails your preparation, involves your intuition and analytical skills, and inspires you to be in control on the very first day you officially enter the door, so that you are able to create results with your team as fast as possible.
During this one-and-one programme we cover:
- The Organisation and understanding the big picture - business, competition, market, technology, resources.
- Your Role - your mission, responsibilities and values.
- Your Team - knowing them individually and as a team.
- The Company culture - and how you will meet that specific culture.
- The National culture - if you are operating as an expat.
- Your Personal Plan: Who are you? What do you want to learn? What needs to be in place personally?
- Stakeholders and their expectations to the team and the organisation.
- Your new manager(s) and how to make them succesful.
- Communication - your vision for change and your key messages to the organisation and the team.
- The very First Day.
- Creating a High-Performing Team - and how you want to approach this process.
- Quick-wins - what they are and how you will celebrate them.
- The Plan for the First 100 Days - milestones and evaluations.
- Trust on the Team along the way.
Next step
Time and trust are the issues in this process. The more well-prepared, self-aware, and clear you are before you start, the easier you will earn your team's and the organisation's trust. The faster you will deliver the desired results. The On-Boarding programme is paid for by the company and it is a fast track to a visible, successful implementation of the hiring. It ensures a head start to the new culture, clear communication, overview of landmines and challenges, as well as it involves key stakeholders and team management.
The programme lasts 6 - 8 months with a follow-up after 12 months. Full access to back-up and inspiration during the first months in the new role. We use various tool-kits to make sure we cover all important aspects of the on-boarding process, and we make time for also focussing on your specific issues of interest. Your preparation will be expected.
This programme is in Danish or English.